07519 818383

NAT Stands for Nature Assisted Therapies

The NAT Project is a venture providing preventative support for young people and young adults (between the ages of 12–21yrs and 18-30yrs) who are struggling with their mental health, in personal crises or feeling suicidal.

Our goal is to offer counselling, both 1:1 and in group activities. This either takes place indoors in a safe environment, or outdoors in a green environment, utilising the qualities of eco-therapy. The Nat project is a part of the Sweet Track Counselling Services, utilising their long-established expertise and experience.

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We aim to work alongside and to enhance groups already established within the locality. We aim to provide support to already established groups and projects, providing a counselling presence alongside their group activities. We aim to have scheduled teams on the ground, networking and outreaching to young adults within their own environments, providing support and handing out information of other support that is available.

Age range

Our two age groups 12-22 years are young adults still within an education environment and 18-30 years are young adults who have left the educational system, there is flexibility within the obvious crossover and inconsistencies of these groups.


Allow nature’s peace to flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.

John Muir (1838-1914)
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What are emotional crises?

Emotional crises can affect anyone, of any age, gender, or background, at any time.

They may be experiencing low mood, feeling alone, lost, frightened, or confused. They may even have suicidal feelings and have felt increasingly hopeless and worthless for some time. If they feel that there is no hope, no alternative and are thinking of ending their life, for them we care deeply. We feel there are alternatives, and we ask them to give themselves some time to find support and talk to another about how they are feeling.


Nat, or Nathaniel Gould, took his life in August 2018, he struggled with his wellbeing. He was a beautiful individual and surrounded by people who cared. But his internal pain and struggle was mostly hidden, and he didn’t know how to get help that was appropriate to him and available. To personally lose a young person is devastating, the energy slams into one’s psyche with a force that can never be forgotten, and maybe should never be forgotten. Each individual, every one of you is important.
