Sweet Track Core Psycho-Spiritual Theory
In Spiritual Counselling the emphasis is on wholeness, dealing with the whole person, and assisting the client in inner balance and integration of all the dimensions of Self. It is experiential and focuses on the client’s individual experiences and reality; the sessions are non-prescriptive and individually tailored. Through Mindfulness we move from the how to be with clients to holding the Being nature.
Psycho-Spiritual Counselling takes the Soul, rather than the Mind, as its starting point of balance. It has an expanded view of life, recognising that the world is a complex mystery, and takes into account belief systems, energy systems, psychic realities, karmic interplay, subconscious and superconscious states, etc.
Theory is crucial to help understand why we do what we do. The philosophy of the course is that there is no one single approach, but we emphasise the need to work authentically as a counsellor. Theories are introduced progressively throughout the course. The course focuses on a Humanistic, Transpersonal, Person-Centred, Psycho-Spiritual approach.
The course stresses on the importance of the therapeutic relationship and students are taught communication skills to maintain this relationship. Communication is of empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence. Personal insights and theories help trainees to understand and deepen this relationship.
Trainees’ Personal Psycho-Spiritual Core Belief System
Through an Integrative approach this course allows trainees to form their own personal and authentic way of working.
Through self identity and self exploration trainees develop their own approach based on their personal values and beliefs. We feel that this authenticity creates an easier learning process, and creates counsellors who are more grounded and “True to Self”, allowing their clients to be so.
Trainees will explore human development, life stages, transitions, crises, personality and identity development. Through researching their core belief systems and key developmental stages, they see how the personality is formed, and how this identity guides them through their pathways in the world.
Trainees develop their own ways of working, their own personal counselling style and model, which is compatible with their core beliefs and values, a style within keeping with their own personality.
Trainees will apply psychological ways of thinking to their self knowledge. They will synthesise their own ideas with those of the core theoretical models coherently and be able to justify their own ideas. They will also explore how compatible their model is with working with different groups of clients.
To ensure your own theory can be put into practice we will use peer feedback, supervision and self reflection on client session.
Self development and creativity for its own sake
There is an emphasis on personal and spiritual development, and self research throughout the course, and trainees are encouraged to develop their own unique and specific talents.
Ongoing self exploration and self research creates clear and grounded boundaries between personal issues and clients’ issues, a clarity without any dogma, enabling an openness to meet and learn from our clients. Self awareness enables congruence and empathic attunement to meet the client as equals.
Personal awareness includes an exploration of psychological needs, blind spots and strengths. Spiritual awareness includes an exploration into global and personal developments. It means looking at critical areas and understanding where this comes from. Self development and spiritual awareness is explored in the group process, personal development exercises, research assignments, creativity projects and in personal therapy.
On this course you will learn how to:
- Work Ethically and Safely as an Agency Counsellor
- Work within a Counselling Relationship
- Work with Client Diversity
- Work within a User-Centred Agency Approach
- Work with Self-Awareness in the Counselling Process
- Work within a Framework of Counselling Theory & Skills
- Work Self-Reflectively as an Agency Counsellor
- Work ethically and safely as an independent and senior counsellor
- Work within a counselling relationship as an independent & senior counsellor
- Working with difference and diversity as an independent & senior counsellor
- Work within a user-centred approach as an independent and senior counsellor
- Work with self-awareness in a therapeutic relationship
- Work within an integrated framework of counselling theory and skills
- Work self-reflectively as an independent and senior counsellor
This course contains 480 Guided Learning hours plus recommended time needed for study time or any other activities that aren’t supervised by a tutor of 724 hours. Total Qualification Time (TQT) 1204 hours.
There are 18 monthly teaching blocks and candidates must attend a minimum of 80% of the course to be passed as proficient.
Group Process
Each weekend there will be group process time for self exploration, group dynamics, processing and for active deep and mindful listening.
Tutor Tutorials
Candidates will be required to attend two tutorials with core tutors to discuss personal and professional development.
Candidate Portfolio and externally-assessed written paper. Candidates must pass both the internal and external assessment to receive the qualification.
Personal Therapy
Minimum of 40 hours personal therapy to be completed by the end of the course
Clinical Practice
Candidates are required to complete 100 supervised client hours within an agency placement setting, working with a minimum of 5 clients throughout the duration of their placement
Candidates are required to have supervision when actively working with clients. Group supervision forms a part of the training at Sweet Track over a 10 month period, which can be counted towards the supervision hours required by a professional membership bodies.
Cost: £3,625 per year, which makes the total cost for the two years £7,250 payable by instalments.
*There is a 5% discount if the full course cost is paid in full prior to course start date.**
The cost includes all examination and registration fees.
A £500 deposit secures your place and the balance can be paid by 18 monthly instalments (details available on request).
This course will take place at the Sweet Track Counselling Centre with the next course due to commence 19th September 2024, running over 4 days, in monthly blocks from Thursday – Sunday.
Session 1: 19th – 22nd September 2024
Session 2: 17th – 20th October 2024
Session 3: 28th November – 1st December 2024
Session 4: 23rd – 26th January 2025
Session 5: 20th – 23rd February 2025
Session 6: 20th – 23rd March 2025
Session 7: 22nd – 25th May 2025
Session 8: 12th – 15th June 2025
Session 9: 17th – 20th July 2025
Session 10: 4th – 7th September 2025
Session 11: 2nd – 5th October 2025
Session 12: 30th October – 2nd November 2025
Session 13: 4th – 7th December 2025
Session 14: 8th – 11th January 2026
Session 15: 5th – 8th February 2026
Session 16: 5th – 8th March 2026
Session 17: 9th – 12th April 2026
Session 18: 7th – 10th May 2026